Nandi Radnai

wedding photographer

Open your photo album as if it were a door.

A door that, when you step through it, takes you back to the past and floods you with memories, emotions, and love.

Radnai Nándi wedding
Esküvő fotózás

Photo Packages

Basic Package

600 EUR

Large Package

1000 EUR

Small Package

400 EUR

For even more beautiful photos, visit my gallery!

Post-Processing of Photos

For every package, we deliver all the photos taken that day (depending on the package, 200-1500 photos), processed and color-corrected.

The amount of photos depends on the duration of the event and the moments to be captured.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to select 10-30 more photos, which we will fully retouch.

Video Packages

Life is sometimes like a movie edited to music. When a picture meets the right tune at the perfect moment, the feeling is born. Whether it’s the first glance, a hug, or a toast, these moments will be abundant on your big day. That’s why I’ll be there: I’ll shoot your personal movie, allowing you to relive every moment anytime you wish.

Basic Package

800 EUR

Large Package

1100 EUR

Small Package

450 EUR

Express Processing

We will complete the retouching of the photos or the editing of the videos within 7 working days!

70 000 HUF

4K Resolution

Instead of FullHD (1920×1080 pixels), we will record and deliver the entire wedding in 4K (3840×2160 pixels).

50 000 HUF

Gina & Viktor

Lili & Ádám

Bia & Tamás

Franci & Domi

Andi & Dani

Karina & Florian

Many people don’t know that my work doesn’t begin on the wedding day, but the day before.
Take a look at how my 24 hours before the shoot go!

Nandi Radnai esküvő fotózás infók
Esküvő fotózás további hasznos infók
Esküvő fotózás infók

Additional Useful Information

If none of my existing packages meet your needs, or if you’d like to choose from additional extras, feel free to contact me via any of my contact details for a personalized offer!